
hello, i'm a 13 yo small youtuber, bushite, railfan, possibly on the spectrum, polish-american, and i'm just a decent person follow sonicgamingtv2019 for more epic content


01/28/2025 5:51 PM

When You Try To Use The Bathroom At 5AM #True #funny

01/26/2025 8:17 PM

My v1 #nintendoswitch 's microSD card slot is dying :(

01/26/2025 1:24 PM

Egg love spongebob #Powers

Editor's Picks

01/25/2025 9:28 PM

How it feels to use my iPhone

kingTendaji (258_dada)
01/25/2025 2:11 PM

JALEN GANG #jalengang #jalengangonuvr #jalenuvr #jalen #freejalen

kingTendaji (258_dada)
01/25/2025 2:01 PM

sanity is already lost bag xml there's no turning back though

Editor's Picks

01/24/2025 6:27 PM

Something I made! (inspired by iClassic and older Apple commercials.)

kingTendaji (258_dada)
01/23/2025 3:20 PM

I've made almost 100 vines. Thanks gang bruhdude

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