This method lets you switch the server you are using at anytime, but doesn't let you upload videos or access the Explore page. You will need to patch that part yourself.
This server should work with almost all versions of the app, but the only tested versions are 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.3.3, and 1.4.8 on iOS, and 1.3.3 and 1.4.6 on Android.
Android version 5.42.1 does not play videos for some reason. If you have any info on this, please contact me.
You will need to find the .IPA / .APK for your desired version and patch the app to use UVR's API instead of Vine's.
For iOS devices, you can use the tweak "VineRedirect" from this Cydia repo. After installing it, open Settings, scroll down to VineRedirect, and put in this API URL:
Be sure to NOT put a slash at the end.
Then, open the app (or restart it if it's already open). You should be able to sign in or sign up now.
For Android devices, it is way more tedious than iOS. Just do the easy way.
This method lets you upload videos and access the Explore page!
You can use PurpleStore to install the patched .IPA or .APK. To use PurpleStore, open on your device and create an account or log in, then just download the app!
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